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Ms. Heller received her B.A. from the University of Rochester in 1972. She began her legal career as a Paralegal, graduating from the Institute for Paralegal Training in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1974. After several years as a Paralegal in the Trust and Estates area, Ms. Heller became a lawyer, receiving her Juris Doctor Degree from the University of Denver College of Law in 1979. She was admitted to practice law in the State of Colorado and in the United States District Court for Colorado in October 1980. As a member of the Colorado Bar Association, Ms. Heller has been a voting Member of the Trust and Estate Council, and a member of the Committee on Legal Problems of the Elderly. She has also been an active member of the Statutory Revisions Committee of the Trusts and Estates Section of the Colorado Bar Association since 1984. This committee drafts and monitors legislation in the area of Estate and Trust law. Ms. Heller has served as its Co-Chair, Chair, and Legislative Liaison. Ms. Heller has served on several sub-committees of the Statutory Revisions Committee, most notably as a member of the UPC II Committee, which oversaw a major revision of the Colorado Probate Code in 1994. As a member of that Committee, Ms. Heller drafted the current Colorado "Pets Trust" Statute, allowing people to leave money in trust for the care of their pets should the person become incapacitated or die. Ms. Heller is also a member of the Aurora Bar Association, the Arapahoe Bar Association, and the Denver Bar Association; as well as a past member of the Centennial Estate Planning Council, the Douglas County Bar Association, and the Douglas County Seniors Council. Ms. Heller has authored several articles on legal issues both for the legal community and the general public, including The Colorado Lawyer, the monthly publication of the Colorado Bar Association. She also lectures from time to time on these subjects, including having been a lecturer for the Senior Law Day, an educational program for Senior Citizens, addressing their special legal needs.